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Representatives of the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia participate in the 2024 Joint conference of Confucius Institutes and Independent Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe拉大孔院代表参加2024中东欧孔子学院(课堂)联席会

Representatives of the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia participate in the 2024 Joint conference of Confucius Institutes and Independent Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe拉大孔院代表参加2024中东欧孔子学院(课堂)联席会

[Madara Smalkā, correspondent of the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia. Images: Tao Liping]

        On 4-5 July, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary , representatives of the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia, He Dong, Tao Liping and Madara Smalka, participated in the 2024 Joint conference of Confucius Institutes and Independent Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe.

 It was organized by the Chinese nternational Education Foundation, with the ELTE Confucius institute as a co-organizer to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Confucius Institute brand. Almost a hundred representatives from about 50 Confucius Institutes (independent classrooms) in Central and Eastern Europe participated in the conference. Zhang Junli, Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese International Education Foundation, attended and gave a speech.

This conference was divided into a keynote speech, four forum sections and a closing summary speech. Colleagues of the Confucius Institutes in the Central and Eastern European region have strengthened mutual understanding, established contacts, strengthened friendship and made a full exchange about the history, current situation and future perspectives of the Confucius Institutes through this conference. Representatives of all parties expressed that they had gained a lot and that the conference had been a complete success.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院讯 通讯员 马笑笑 摄影 陶丽萍】



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