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The “2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Institute Day” celebration of LUCI was successfully held / 拉脱维亚大学孔子学院“2024中秋节暨孔子学院日”庆典成功举行

The “2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Institute Day” celebration  of LUCI was successfully held / 拉脱维亚大学孔子学院“2024中秋节暨孔子学院日”庆典成功举行

On September 27, 2024, from 17:00 to 19:30 Riga time, the “2024 Mid-Autumn Festival and Confucius Institute Day” celebration of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia was held in the small auditorium of the University of Latvia. Ambassador Tang Songgen and Minister Counselor Song Danhui of the Chinese Embassy in Latvia attended the celebration and delivered speeches. More than 120 people, including Wang Nan, the Director of the Riga Cultural Center, Ms. Chen Yufen, Chief Correspondent of Xinhua News Agency in Latvia, guests from all sectors of society in Latvia , school leaders, teachers and students of the Confucius Classrooms and Teaching Points under the Confucius Institute attended the event. The event was hosted by Ms. Karina, President of the Latvian Alumni Association in China, and Mr. Guo Mengran, a sponsored Chinese teacher.

The whole event included three parts: Chinese cultural workshop, speeches by leaders and performances. Ms. Bai Kaixia’s team carried out Chinese cultural experience activities, and teacher Ma Xiaoxiao hosted the mooncake tasting activity, which attracted many students and parents to participate. The two directors of the Confucius Institute, Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor He Dong, delivered welcome speeches, expressed warm congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Confucius Institute brand in China, and made a brief historical review and future prospects for the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia. Ambassador Tang Songgen delivered a speech, fully affirming the fruitful results achieved by the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia over the years, and also put forward hopes and valuable suggestions for the future development of the Confucius Institute. Afterwards, students from Riga Wushu Sports School, Riga No. 34 Middle School and No. 13 Middle School performed colorful programs such as lion dance and traditional songs and dances.

This event was rich in content, diverse in form, and warm in atmosphere, and the participating guests expressed great satisfaction.






【通讯  Editor: 何东 He Dong/徐申Hughson   摄影 Photographer: 葛欣怡 Ge Xinyi】




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