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Delegation of Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School Visits Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School

Delegation of Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School Visits Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School

当地时间2019年9月23日,在拉脱维亚大学孔子学院和深圳市中东欧经济文化促进会牵线搭桥下,深圳明德实验学校代表团访问里加道加瓦河口中学。出席活动的人员有:深圳明德实验学校校长程红兵先生和副校长刘海粟先生,深圳市中东欧经济文化促进会执行理事长、秘书长吕传真先生以及里加道加瓦河口中学校长Olga Seļutina女士、副校长Ļubova Bogdanova-Židkova女士、教师Jeļena Židkova(莲娜)女士以及汉语教师胡靖女士。




On September 23, 2019, local time.with the help of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia and the Shenzhen Central and Eastern European Countries Economy and Culture Association, delegation from Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School visited Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School. Mr. Cheng Hongbing, principal of Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School, Mr. Liu Haisu, deputy principal of Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School, Mr. William Lv, executive director and secretary general of the Shenzhen Central and Eastern European Countries Economy and Culture Association, Ms. Olga Seļutina, principal of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, Ms. Ļubova Bogdanova-Židkova, deputy principal of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, Ms. eļena Židkova,Chinese teacher of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, and Ms. Hu Jing, Chinese teacher of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School.

Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School is the same as Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School. Their students are all from the first grade to the twelfth grade. The two sides had discussions on future cooperation.

In the first place, the two sides introduced the background of their schools, and then the two sides discussed the size of their schools, introduction of students and teachers, management methods, teaching concepts and other key issues. The principal of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School also prepared Latvian snacks and Chinese tea for their Chinese guests. Finally, the two sides visited the classrooms, offices library and indoor gymnasiums of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, laying a solid foundation for future student exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

In this September, the Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School delegations visit to Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School was success. This not only promotes the cooperation between Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School and Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, but also reflects the deeper friendship between China and Latvia.


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