Foreign Lecturers Meeting in Liepaja University Successfully Held
出席本次会议的外国学者一共有10位,分别是来自设计与新媒体艺术领域的Vakaris Bernotas和Petras Saulenas,旅游管理领域的Remigijus Kinderis,体育教学法领域的Antonio Cichella和Rakesh Dubey,汉语教学领域的汉语教师志愿者伍淑仪,英语教育领域的John William Mc Neil,环境科学领域的Olga Anne,Rasa Viederyte和Tatjana Paulauskiene。
利耶帕亚大学国际部部长Ērika Lauberga主持本次会议。她表示,希望有更多机会让各位外国学者能走到一起,促进交流,互相分享在利耶帕亚工作和生活的点滴,相信通过彼此的交流,在工作上能碰撞出更多的火花,产生更多新的可能。随后,各位外国学者分别通过多媒体或演讲的方式进行个人介绍和经验分享。汉语教师志愿者伍淑仪是本次会议中最年轻的教师,她使用幻灯片分享图片和视频,展示了利耶帕亚大学汉语课堂上的学生作品和活动剪影,介绍了中国舞蹈和特色服饰,同时还播放了拉脱维亚大学孔子学院100周年庆典中汉语教师志愿者们身穿旗袍亮相的走秀视频,以展示孔院教师的风采。在座的嘉宾们眼前一亮,对中国和拉脱维亚大学孔子学院留下了深刻而美好的印象。最后,来自国际部的负责人Sintija Leigute表示,外国学者们在利耶帕亚大学的工作质量越来越好,还开发了很多新课程,给利耶帕亚大学的学生带来很多好处,能有机会一起共事非常开心。
会后,嘉宾们共同享用下午茶,相互交换名片并交流彼此心得。来自立陶宛克拉佩达大学的Remigijus Kinderis 教授对汉语教师志愿者伍淑仪的演讲印象深刻,诚意邀请伍淑仪老师到克拉佩达大学教授汉语课。双方互换名片后,交流汉语教学情况,为日后的汉语教学合作打下良好的基础。本次外国学者见面交流会举办得十分成功,不仅促进了学者们之间的交流,也为日后的合作和发展提供了很好的平台,大家表示期待以后有更多的机会相互探讨和交流。
Local time Octuber 21st in 2019,15:00 in Room 203 of Liepaja University in Latvia, Liepaja University held a foreign lecturers meeting. In the meeting, the participated lectures are from different countries, such as China, America, Italy, India and Lithuania. They shared their thoughts and experience working in Liepaja University together. Besides, In the meeting also participated teaching staff and staff from Liepaja University, who are working with foreign lecturers everyday.
There are 10 foreign lectures attended the meeting. They are working in various EU social fund projects in Liepaja University (LiepU) – for example, Vakaris Bernotas from Vilnius Academy of Arts and Remigijus Kinderis from Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), Rakesh Dubey from Rajasthan Technical University (India), Antonio Cicchella from Bologna University (Italy), John William Mc Neil from the US and Wu Shuyi from China.
LiepU Chief specialist of Foreign Affairs Department Ērika Lauberga speaking to the lecturers, noted: “We want that it is not that you just come and leave, we want to give you a chance to talk to each another, to share an impression on study work and life in Liepaja. Possibly these discussions may lead to new ideas and new opportunities.”Teachers from foreign universities had chosen to introduce themselves through presentation and their stories. Chinese teacher volunteer Wu Shuyi, the youngest teacher in this meeting, shared photos and videos to show activities and the students’ performance in Chinese lessons of Liepaja University. And she also introduced Chinese dance and dress through show video of Chinese teacher volunteers wearing Chinese traditional dress from Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia. All guests are surprised of this presentation and have a good impression to China and the Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia. At last, Sintija Leigute, the International coordinator of Foreign Affairs, says: “Foreign lecturers at LiepU are working on the perfection of the study process, improving its quality, developing new study courses and study programmes. It is undeniable that students also gain international experience and practical knowledge. We’re glad that we can work together.”
After meeting, the guests shared the afternoon tea together and exchanged visit card and thoughts. Professor Remigijus Kinderis from Klaipeda State University (Lithuania) was impressed by Chinese teacher volunteer Wu Shuyi’s presentation. He sincerely invited Wu Shuyi to teach Chinese in Klaipeda State University. After exchanging visit cards, they talked about Chinese teaching situation and methods for the cooperation in the future. This foreign lecturers meeting was held successfully. It not only promote the communication among lecturers, but also provide an good opportunity for the cooperation and development in the future. Everyone hopes for more chances to have discussions and internaction.