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Confucius Institute at University of Latvia Professor Pildegovičs “My Chinese story” and the “Chinese Latvian Dictionary APP” release ceremony held successfully

Confucius Institute at University of Latvia Professor Pildegovičs “My Chinese story” and the “Chinese Latvian Dictionary APP” release ceremony held successfully
当地时间2019年12月18日,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院院长贝德高教授《我的中国故事》暨《汉语拉脱维亚语大词典APP》的发布庆典在拉脱维亚大学主楼大礼堂举行,出席本次庆典的有拉脱维亚外交部副国务秘书贾尼斯·玛泽克斯(Jānis Mažeiks)先生、拉脱维亚驻联合国大使安德烈·贝德高(Andrejs Pildegovičs)先生、中国驻拉脱维亚大使梁建全先生、拉脱维亚外交部亚洲司司长利吉塔·戴维多瓦(Ligita Davidova)先生、礼宾司亚历山大·格雷夫娃(Aleksandra Grevceva)女士、俄罗斯作家协会娜塔莉亚·扎哈罗娃(Natalia Zaharova)女士以及来自中国大使馆、拉脱维亚外交部、新华社、拉脱维亚大学、拉脱维亚大学孔子学院、里加工业大学、交通与电信大学、文茨皮尔斯大学、里加34中学、克拉斯拉瓦中学、里加道加瓦河口中学、拉脱维亚留华同学会等单位的嘉宾及贝德高教授亲友共200余人。本次活动由拉脱维亚留华同学会会长卡琳娜主持。
首先拉脱维亚外交部副国务秘书贾尼斯·玛泽克斯(Jānis Mažeiks)先生、拉脱维亚驻联合国大使安德烈·贝德高(Andrejs Pildegovičs)先生、中国驻拉脱维亚大使梁建全先生、拉脱维亚大学副校长伊娜·德鲁维特(Ina Druviete)女士和拉脱维亚大学人文学院莱昂斯·泰文斯(Leons Taivans)教授分别上台致辞,对贝教授《我的中国故事》一书顺利出版和《汉语拉脱维亚语大词典APP》的发布表示热烈祝贺。梁建全大使认为《我的中国故事》是继编纂广受赞誉的《汉语拉脱维亚语大词典》后,贝教授倾注心血完成的又一本促进中拉友好关系的大书。并表示在以贝教授为代表的中拉友好人士共同推动下,在两国携手努力下,中拉交流合作将谱写更加美好的新篇章。之后拉脱维亚大学中方院长尚劝余教授回忆了贝德高教授《汉语拉脱维亚语大词典》和《我的中国故事》的编撰和出版历程,表示非常荣幸能亲身见证这一过程。

On December 18, 2019 local time, the release ceremony of the “My Chinese Story” and “Chinese-Latvian Dictionary APP” by director Pildegovičs, director of Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, was held in the auditorium of the main building of the University of Latvia. Mr. Jānis Mažeiks, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Mr. Andrejs Pildegovičs, Ambassador of Latvia to the United Nations, Mr. Liang Jianquan, Ambassador of China to Latvia, Mr. Ligita Davidova, Director of the Asian Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ms. Aleksandra Grevceva, Protocol Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ms. Natalia Zaharova of the Russian Writers Association, and From the Chinese Embassy, Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Xinhua News Agency, University of Latvia, Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, Riga University of Technology, University of Transportation and Telecommunications, University of Ventspils, Riga 34 Middle School, Kraslava Middle School, Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School,etc. there are more than 200 guests from China Alumni Association of Latvia and other relatives and friends of Professor Pildegovičs. The event was hosted by Karina, the Chairperson of China Alumni Association of Latvia.

First of all, Mr. Jānis Mažeiks, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Mr. Andrejs Pildegovičs, Ambassador of Latvia to the United Nations, Mr. Liang Jianquan, Ambassador of China to Latvia, Ms. Ina Druviete, Vice President of the University of Latvia, and Professor Leons Taivans from the Faculty of Humanities at University of Latvia, They congratulated Professor Pildegovičs on the successful publication of My Chinese Story and the release of the Chinese-Latvian Dictionary APP. Ambassador Liang Jianquan considers My Chinese Story to be another great book to promote friendly relations between China and Latvia after the compilation of the acclaimed “Chinese-Latvian Dictionary”. He also said that with the joint promotion of friendly people from China and Latvia, represented by Professor Pildegovičs, and with the joint efforts of the two countries, China- Latvia exchanges and cooperation will write a new chapter. Later, the Chinese director of University of Latvia, Professor Shang Quanyu, recalled the compilation and publishing process of Professor Pildegovičs’s Chinese-Latvian Dictionary and My Chinese Story, and expressed his great honor to witness this process in person.

Then Ms. Wang Qiongzi and Karina read the preface of My Chinese Story, and then Karina introduced how to use the “Latvian Chinese Dictionary APP” on Android and Apple phones through video. In the end, the guests watched a wonderful art performance together, take a group photo and taste delicious food. The celebration came to a successful conclusion.

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