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The Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia successfully held its first Work Conference for the new semester / 拉脱维亚大学孔子学院成功举行新学年首次全体教师工作会议

The Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia successfully held its first Work Conference for the new semester / 拉脱维亚大学孔子学院成功举行新学年首次全体教师工作会议

The Confucius Institute at Latvia University held its first-ever online meeting for all teachers of the 2024-2025 academic year on September 18, 2024 (3:00 p.m. Riga time, 8:00 p.m. Beijing time). Present were the Chinese Director of the Institute, He Dong, Administrative Secretary Anastasija Galkina, Assistant Director Xu Shen, and Guo Mengran, along with the entire faculty. Led by Xu Shen, the meeting began with preparations for regular work and new teacher training at the start of the new semester.


The session was divided into three parts. First, new teacher training was conducted by experienced teachers Xu Shen and Guo Mengran. Xu shared teaching techniques for the first class, emphasizing self-introduction to make students remember the teacher, asking questions to gauge their learning abilities, clearly explaining classroom rules, reward, and punishment systems. He suggested incorporating simple expressions like ‘bye-bye’ to engage students from the first lesson. Guo Mengran focused on online teaching, sharing insights on software, online skills, and unique features of virtual classrooms. He encouraged teachers to stay updated with current events and use culturally relevant phrases to captivate students’ attention.

Another key aspect was incorporating interactive games in the classroom, such as using Kahoot for online quizzes. For classroom management, he recommended using platforms like Questionnaire Star for attendance tracking and assessment. Overall, the meeting aimed to set the tone for the academic year, ensuring effective teaching methods and student engagement.

The second part was an overview of daily routines and guidelines. Secretary Anastasija Galkina introduced herself, detailing her educational and professional background.

In the third segment, there was a summary and Q&A session. Volunteer Chinese teacher Li Qian raised some questions about the online cooperative classroom, which were addressed by Director He. He emphasized that Chinese teachers should engage more with local educators to understand the specifics of the classroom. He offered numerous suggestions for new teachers, highlighting the importance of thorough preparation, starting with detailed lesson plans that require precision and dedication. It was advised to introduce knowledge gradually, considering students’ absorption capacity, and prepare for potential contingencies during class, such as arriving early to troubleshoot technical issues. Tailoring lessons to students’ interests through pre-surveys on age and hobbies is recommended. Incorporating games, humor, and jokes can enhance engagement. Teachers can learn teaching techniques through online resources. Post-class, self-reflection and maintaining a teaching journal are encouraged for continuous improvement. New teachers must adapt quickly to their roles as educators. Lastly, Director He expressed hope for increased online-offline interactions among teachers to become proficient international Chinese teachers sooner.

A screenshot group photo concluded the session, marking its successful conclusion. The international Chinese teachers are set to commence their academic year’s teaching, contributing to the linguistic and cultural exchange between China and Latvia fostering friendship between our nations.


【拉大孔院讯 通讯员 李芊 图片 郭萌冉】2024年9月18日(里加时间3:00p.m.,北京时间8:00p.m.),拉脱维亚大学孔子学院举行了2024-2025学年第一次全体教师工作线上会议。孔子学院中方院长何东、行政秘书高安娜、院长助理徐申与郭萌冉,及学院全体教师参加会议,会议由徐申主持。在新学期开学之际,学院召开全体教师工作会议,部署常规工作,并对新教师进行了培训。

会议包括三部分。首先是新教师培训。培训由经验丰富的公派教师徐申及郭萌冉主讲。徐申分享了第一堂课的教学技巧,包括教师如何在第一堂课上自我介绍,让学生记住教师。同时教师以此契机向学生提问,了解学生的学能;另外,在第一堂课上,教师需要向学生讲清课堂规则、奖励及惩罚机制;徐申教师提到,第一节课可以适量向学生讲解如“再见”等简单表达,引起学生兴趣,让学生在第一堂课能够“学到东西”。郭萌冉侧重线上教学经验的培训。他从线上软件、线上技能和线上课堂特点等几个方面进行分享,提醒教师们多关注新闻和当下网络上受较高关注的时事,在课堂上适宜地与学生分享,能够更好地抓住学生的注意力。亦或是用一些“long time no see”等具有中国特色的语言点来引起学生兴趣。其次,课堂小游戏也是提高学生学习兴趣的重要手段。教师可以借助kahoot等游戏网站来设计如转盘等能够在线上课堂应用的小游戏。另外,在课堂管理上,郭萌冉教师提到,教师们可以借助问卷星等软件来监测学生的考勤,也可以借此软件进行作业的测验。在奖励机制上,可以采用积分累加等方式,并且要采用实体和虚体结合的方法。





【编辑 Editor: 李芊 / 图片 Picture provider: 郭萌冉】


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