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The Chinese class at Smiltenes vidusskola has started smoothly

The Chinese class at Smiltenes vidusskola has started smoothly

On November 11, 2022 local time, with the bell ringing, the students from Grade 4 to 6 of Smiltenes vidusskola began the first Chinese class of this semester, and the first Chinese class in two years. This semester’s Chinese class is taught by Sun Zhihui, a volunteer Chinese teacher.

Before class, teacher Sun first expressed her welcome to the students and then introduced herself. In order to let the students know more about herself as soon as possible, teacher Sun played the short film of self-introduction that she cut. Later, in order to get to know the students as soon as possible, teacher Sun asked the students to introduce themselves from the aspects of their names, their understanding of China and why they learn Chinese. The students’ performance was very positive.

In the formal class, teacher Sun started from the way of greeting in Chinese —— “Hello, I am…...” to let the students feel the charm of Chinese. Under the demonstration and encouragement of Teacher Sun, the students took an active part in the process of self-introduction in Chinese. Teacher Sun gave the students the stickers of famous landmark city buildings in China. The students were very happy and the atmosphere of the class was lit up at once. After that, teacher Sun asked the students to take out the white paper prepared in advance and follow the teacher’s demonstration to try to write the two characters “hello” on the paper. This was the first time for the children to try to write Chinese characters, and everyone was very cooperative. After writing, they showed their Chinese characters to the teacher, and the students who were praised smiled happily. Then, Teacher Sun continued to use “hello” to show the knowledge of Chinese pinyin, initials, finals, tones and other aspects, and led the students to learn the four tones of Chinese.

At the end of the class, teacher Sun told the students that she would give all of them unique Chinese names. Before the next class, students could write their birthday, favorite colors, wishes and other information on a piece of paper and give it to her next class.

In this way, the first Chinese class ended with laughter and laughter. After class, the students came to the podium and expressed their love for Chinese to the teacher. Let’s look forward to the flower of Chinese in full bloom in Smiltenes vidusskolal.



正式上课时,孙老师从汉语打招呼的方式——“你好,我是····· · · · ·· ·”入手,让同学们感受汉语的魅力。在孙老师的示范和鼓励之下,同学们都积极参与到中文自我介绍的环节中,孙老师给说得好的同学送了中国著名地标城市建筑的贴画,学生们都很开心,课堂气氛一下子点燃了。之后,孙老师让学生拿出了事先准备好的白纸,跟着老师的示范,尝试把“你好”两个字写在纸上。这是孩子们第一次尝试写汉字,大家都很配合,写完后纷纷向老师展示自己的汉字,得到夸奖的学生露出了开心的笑容。然后,孙老师继续用“你好”展示了汉语拼音、声母、韵母、声调等多个方面的知识,并带领学生学习了汉语的四个声调。



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