Local TV Interviewed Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University
当地时间2018年10月18日下午三点三十分,道加瓦皮尔斯大学孔子课堂接受了当地电视台的采访,该孔子课堂的两位汉语教师——白冰玉和刘晶铭,分别表达了对汉语教学和当地人文风情的感受,并且说明了学习汉语的乐趣和好处,希望有更多的人来孔子课堂学习汉语。接着,经过教师和学生的同意之后,电视台跟踪拍摄了一堂主题为介绍中国概况的中国文化课,内容包括中国的人文地理和“新四大发明”,层次分明,条理清晰,学生也非常专注,认真听讲,尤其是对中国的“新四大发明”非常感兴趣,纷纷表示想去中国感受新鲜奇特的氛围和节能便利的生活方式。近年来,在道加瓦皮尔斯大学孔子课堂的学生中,参加HSK 考试和去中国参加夏令营和奖学金项目的人数越来越多,相信未来还会有更多的人参与其中,踏上一次难忘的中国之旅。
Local time at 15:30, 18TH of October, 2018, Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University was interviewed by a local TV channel. The two volunteer Chinese teachers and DU students were involved.
First, teacher Bai Bingyu and Liu Jingming shared their experience and feelings about Daugavpils, DU and local people. They also expressed the pleasure and benefit in learning Chinese here. Later, TV channel took a cultural lesson about China, given by teacher Liu Jingming. Students showed great interests on the lesson which including Chinese human geography and the four great modern inventions. They said that they want to experience all these Chinese-featured lifestyle and atmosphere.
In recent years, more and more students from the Confucius Classroom at DU have participated in HSK-Exams, summer camps and Chinese scholarships. Confucius Classroom hopes that more students would like to join this wonderful Chinese learning and experiencing journey.