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Chinese Graduation Ceremony in Liepaja University

Chinese Graduation Ceremony in Liepaja University

On 4th June, Liepaja University held the Chinese Graduation Ceremony.

Before the ceremony, the Chinese volunteer teacher Pan Fanchen played a video about all Chinese activities they did during this one year Chinese teaching. She brought every one there into the story between Chinese teacher and her students, they all felt touched.

After this, the Director in Latvian side of Confucius Institute at University Pro. Peteris Pildegovics and the the Director in Chinese side of Confucius Institute at University at Latvia Pro. Shang Quanyu gave an address. They introduced different kinds of Chinese experience projects and scholarships to the students and made them feel eager to experience these themselves. Later on, the Vice Rector of Study process in Liepaja University Dr.biol. MĀRA ZELTIŅA gave an address, she thanked the help of Confucius Institute, and wished better cooperation between University and Confucius Institute. She said she hope that there will be more and more Chinese language lovers to join this project. The students’ representative Nan Zehui (Natalja Vecvagare) gave an address, She firstly introduced her classmates and herself in Chinese and then, she expressed her gratitude for Confucius Institute and the Chinese volunteer teacher and hope to go to China one day.

Later on, students Wan Yujie (Valesta Sobole), Nanan Yun (Natālija Sedova), Dai

Yiqin (Daina Matule) and Sha Yiyan(Sabīne Sendija Šervinska) did one-sentence self-introduction in Chinese. The students and teacher together sang a classic Chinese song “ the Moon Can Represent My Heart” and won great applause.

In the end, Pro. Shang Quanyu, Pro. Peteris Pildegovics and Dr.biol. MĀRA ZELTIŅA awarded the Graduation Certification to students and took a group photo.

After the ceremony, Pro. Shang Quanyu and Pro. Peteris Pildegovics had a small meeting with the leaders of Liepaja University. They talked about the Chinese class’ today and future and they both are sure about the bright future of Chinese class in Liepaja University.



随后,孔子学院中方院长尚劝余教授和外方院长贝德高教授发表讲话,为学生介绍了孔子学院各式各样的汉语体验活动和奖学金项目,让在座学生无限向往,希望来年可以亲自体验。之后,利耶帕亚大学副院长MĀRA ZELTIŅA 发表讲话,她对孔子学院这一年对利耶帕亚大学汉语课程的帮助表示了真诚的感谢,并表示希望与孔子学院的合作越来越好,利耶帕亚大学会有越来越多人学习汉语。学生代表南泽慧首先用流利的中文介绍了她的同学们,并对汉语老师表示感谢。在之后的发言中,她代表学生表达了对汉语强烈的兴趣,希望有一天可以亲自去中国看看。


最后,孔子学院中外方院长和利耶帕亚大学副院长MĀRA ZELTIŅA 为学生颁发结业证书并合照。



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