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Teachers and Students of LUCI give Blessings to China about Coronavirus

Teachers and Students of LUCI give Blessings to China about Coronavirus



自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情蔓延以来,国内抗击疫情的情况一直牵动着全世界友华者的心。拉脱维亚大学孔子学院各教学点的汉语老师们,在汉语课堂上为学生们客观真实地介绍了疫情的真实情况,学生们了解后,明白了中国人民正在经历的挑战,她们没有对身边的中国老师感到害怕和排斥,反而表达了关心之情。当听到抗击疫情中发生的感人故事,学生们深深为之触动。里加34中学的一名中学生听到中国口罩紧缺的情况,主动询问汉语老师:“老师,我可不可以用自己的零花钱,买口罩寄给需要帮助的人?”孔院本部少儿班的学生家长也主动关心汉语老师及其家人的情况:“我们在新闻上听到了中国的新型冠状病毒很严重,我们知道你们一定很难过,请你和你的家人一定要保护好自己!”拉脱维亚大学孔子学院外方院长贝德高教授(Peteris Pildegovics)对此次肺炎疫情也表示了深切的同情,他如是说道:“新型冠状病毒是人类共同的敌人,我们拉脱维亚人民与中国人民、与湖北人民、与武汉人民站在一起!我们坚信,具有悠久历史文化和集体主义精神的中国人民,一定能齐心协力,同舟共济,战胜病毒!”一句句鼓励,一声声关怀,让我们感受到了拉脱维亚人民的真情。






Recently, a “epidemic” war without gunpowder is being waged in China. The spread of the coronavirus has shrouded the land of China in a grey area. The strong Chinese people are united in their will to fight the disaster together. At the same time, in Latvia, more than 3,000 kilometers away, there are such a group of lovely people who regard China as their friends and offer their sincere encouragement and blessings when China is in crisis.

“The Latvian people stand with the Chinese people”

Since the spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the domestic fight against the epidemic has always affected the hearts of Chinese and Chinese friends worldwide. The Chinese teachers of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia introduced the actual situation of the epidemic to the students objectively and truthfully in the Chinese classroom. After understanding, the students understood the challenges that the Chinese people are experiencing. They didn’t feeling scared and repelled of the Chinese teachers around them, but expressing concern. The students were deeply moved when they heard the touching story of the fight against the epidemic. When a student at Riga 34 Middle School heard of the shortage of Chinese masks, he asked the Chinese teacher: “Teacher, can I use my pocket money to buy masks and send them to someone in need?” Parents of the children’s class in the Confucius Institute also actively concerned about the situation of the Chinese teacher and her family: “We heard in the news that China’s new coronavirus is very serious. We know you must be very sad. Please protect yourself and your family!” the foreign director of LUCI -Professor Peteris Pildegovics also expressed deep sympathy for the pneumonia epidemic, he says: “The new type of coronavirus is the common enemy of mankind. Latvian people and the Chinese people, and the Hubei people, and the people of Wuhan stand together! We firmly believe that the Chinese people with a long history and culture and a spirit of collectivism will be able to fight the virus together! “Encouraging and caring, let us feel the true feelings of the Latvian people.

“China, please stay strong!”

“Teacher, I really want to cheer for Chinese friends who are fighting the virus, I hope they can hear us!”Said by a student who just studied Chinese for half a year during the beginner’s class of LUCI, hoping to send his encouragement to Chinese people. For a time, the Chinese classrooms of LUCI launched a video recording operation of “Cheer up China”. Many students created blessing cards and blackboard newspapers, and used the Chinese characters they learned to write a sincere voice: “China Cheer up, Wuhan, cheer up! “,”China, Please stay strong, we wish you well! “,” China is our friend, and viruses are our enemies. “The students held cards in the video and said words of encouragement in Chinese. Cards full of love and touching solidarity made us feel the comfort and strength from foreign countries. It is reported that the age of the students who recorded the epidemic-resistant refueling video ranged from elementary school students to the public people. Among them, the students form RTU come from all over the world, not only students from Latvia, but also students from Russia, India and Uzbekistan. At the moment of the epidemic, great love crosses the country, making the disaster no longer ruthless.

“My heart is sweeter than rice dumplings”

The Chinese teachers of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, while helping students record refueling videos, also use their own methods to contribute to the fight against the epidemic in the motherland. Li Jinhao, a martial arts teacher from the Latvian Martial Arts Association, is a music lover, and he often practices guitar during his spare time. This time, he took his beloved guitar to the old town of Riga, the capital of Latvia, and completed a touching musical journey. At this time, the land of Latvia is still cold, but he forgot the severe cold and overcame his shyness. He played a song and song of Chinese folk songs on the streets of foreign countries, and moved the Latvian people with love in the way of “street fundraising”,also harvested the love of the Latvian people. From the first coin in front of him, to the heavy piano case full of coins when finally left, people who donate are children, old people, and even homeless people. People have given the love in their hearts to this distant eastern country. Li Jinhao said: “Today is the Chinese Lantern Festival, I was not able to eat rice dumplings, but at this time my heart is sweeter than eating a hundred rice dumplings!” Although it was freezing cold, my heart was warm like spring.

The Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia was established in 2011. It is the only one Confucius Institute in Latvia. It is a non-profit educational institution jointly established by the University of Latvia and South China Normal University. It has 17 teaching sites distributed in universities, middle schools and primary schools in different cities. During the fight against the pneumonia epidemic, teachers and students at all teaching sites actively supported the anti-epidemic activities, recorded refueling videos, and expressed sincere encouragement. Love has no boundaries, the voice of sincerity travels through space and reaches people’s hearts. ” China is not alone on the way resisting the “epidemic”!


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