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International Chinese Language Day Celebration Successfully Held at University of Latvia

International Chinese Language Day Celebration Successfully Held at University of Latvia

On April 22, 2022, a sunny day with spring joy,after two years isolation of Covid 2019, Chinese language learners in Latvia gathered again to celebrate the 13th United Nations International Chinese Language Day.The theme of this celebration is “Chinese Language: Together for a Bright Future “, which was co-organized by Confucius Institute at University of Latvia and Latvian China Alumni Association, and hosted by Karina Jermaka. About hundred people attended the event.

In the opening remark, Latvian Director Peteris Pildegovics and Chinese Director Shang Quanyu of the Confucius Institute said that the United Nations designated Gu Yu Day as the “United Nations Chinese Language Day” thirteen years ago, and today it has become a de facto “International Chinese Language Day” and a grand festival for Chinese language learners all over the world. We sincerely wish the flower of Chinese language blooms brilliantly on the bank of Daugava River and the shore of Baltic Sea! The celebration was full of variety, including martial arts and lion dance, chorus and solo, poem and short text recitation, “Interesting Chinese” game quiz, and Confucius Institute’s meticulously produced song video playback, etc.

Marijeta Tarabrina and other students from Latvian Sports Wushu Federation and Riga Martial Arts Academy performed wonderful martial arts and lion dances, which kicked off the Chinese Language Day celebration. Children from Riga 34 Secondary School performed the chorus “Little Star”, Alisa Lebedeva performed the solo “Yellow Rose”, Anna Ņikitina performed the solo “Grateful Heart”, and Jesenija Kolosova performed the solo “Summer in Ningxia”. Dārta Krūmiņa from University of Latvia played and sang “How Much I Like You, You Will Know” on Latvian traditional instrument, Rodions Krinins performed solo “Sunshine Always After Wind and Rain”,Chinese girl Wang Zixuan performed a solo performance of “Big Fish”. Confucius Institute produced and played three video songs, such as “International Chinese Teachers’Song”, “Learning Chinese Language and Enjoying Chinese Culture”, and “Chinese Flower blooms on the Bank of Daugava River”, one of which was sung by Anzelika Smirnova, the vice president of Latvian China Alumni Association and a doctoral student at Peking University. Secretary of Confucius Institute Anastasija Galkina and her Chinese student Li Mu recited the poem “Tu esi Latvija” authored by Ojārs Vācietis, and Kristina Semenova from Riga 74 Secondary School performed “Short Stories”. In addition, there are two “Interesting Chinese” game quizzes interspersed in the middle. The audience raised their hands one after another and responded enthusiastically to the questions: When is the United Nations Chinese Language Day? How many syllables are there in Chinese language? How many strokes does the dragon character have? The oldest Chinese script is called oracle bone script, what does this hieroglyph mean? What will the unicorn become when it reaches the North Pole? How many strokes does the Chinese character turtle have? How many ethnic groups are there in China? What is China’s national treasure animal?

This grand celebration integrating knowledge and fun, artistry and viewing came to an end with rejoice and Chinese food tasting. Chinese language is a bond between the people of China and Latvia, and a bridge for friendly exchanges between China and Latvia.May friendship between China and Latvia last forever!


2022年4月22日,风和日丽,春意盎然,在时隔两年疫情封闭隔离之后,拉脱维亚中文爱好者再次欢聚一堂,兴高采烈地庆祝第十三个联合国国际中文日。本次庆祝活动的主题是 “中文:共筑美好未来”,由拉脱维亚大学孔子学院和拉脱维亚留华同学会共同举办,卡琳娜会长主持,约百人参加了活动。


拉脱维亚武术协会和里加武术学院的玛丽(Marijeta Tarabrina)及学员们表演精彩的武术和舞狮,拉开了中文日庆祝活动的帷幕。里加34中学的小朋友们表演合唱《小星星》、爱丽丝(Alisa Lebedeva)表演独唱《黄玫瑰》、安娜(Anna Ņikitina)表演独唱《感恩的心》、杰西妮娅(Jesenija Kolosova)表演独唱《宁静的夏天》,拉脱维亚大学的达尔塔(Dārta Krūmiņa)用拉脱维亚传统乐器自弹自唱《我多喜欢你,你会知道》、罗迪(Rodions Krinins)表演独唱《阳光总在风雨后》,中国小朋友王紫萱表演独唱《大鱼》,孔子学院精心制作并播放了三首视频歌曲《国际中文教师之歌》、《学汉语品文化》、《中文花开道加瓦河畔》,其中一首由拉脱维亚留华同学会副会长、北京大学博士生安泽(Anzelika Smirnova)演唱;孔子学院秘书高安娜(Anastasija Galkina)和她的中国学生李木朗诵诗歌《拉脱维亚乐未央》(作者:奥哈尔-瓦西蒂斯),里加74中学克里斯蒂娜(Kristina Semenova)表演《短文故事》。此外,中间穿插两次“有趣中文”游戏问答。现场观众纷纷举手,踊跃回答问题:联合国中文日是哪一天?汉语有多少个音节?龍字有多少笔划?最古老的中国文字称为甲骨文,这个象形文字是什么意思?麒麟到了北极会变成什么?龜这个汉字有多少笔划? 中国有多少民族?中国的国宝是什么?黽这个汉字有多少笔划?




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