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Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia Successfully Conducted the Second Chinese Proficiency Test 2024拉脱维亚大学孔子学院成功举办2024年第二次汉语水平考试

Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia Successfully Conducted the Second Chinese Proficiency Test 2024拉脱维亚大学孔子学院成功举办2024年第二次汉语水平考试

On Sunday, 19 May 2024, Latvia time, the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia successfully held the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK). The test was conducted in an offline format, covering four levels of HSK Level 1 to Level 3 and HSKK Elementary, with four sessions, which attracted enthusiastic participation from Chinese language enthusiasts.

Mr. He Dong, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, attached great importance to the exam and worked closely with the staff to ensure the exam was conducted smoothly. The Chief Examiner, Ms. Bai Bingyu, drew up a detailed examination programme, and the secretary and interpreter, Ms. Anastasija Galkina, conveyed the examination information in a timely manner.

Before the start of the examination, the examiners set up the examination rooms and checked the equipments in advance to ensure that the candidates could take the examination in the best condition. They carefully checked the list of candidates and organised the orderly entry of candidates into the examination rooms. During the examination, the invigilators maintained the fairness and impartiality of the examination with a rigorous attitude and tacit cooperation. They patiently answered the candidates’ questions and helped them to perform at their best. The whole examination rooms were in good order and the candidates were fully concentrated, showing a high degree of motivation and concentration. After the examination, the invigilators quickly collected, organised and counted the examination materials.

We are fully aware that behind every mark in the HSK exam lies the hard work and unremitting efforts of the students. Therefore, we endeavour to ensure that every HSK test is conducted in a fair and just manner, so that every student’s efforts can be duly rewarded. At the same time, the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia will continue to optimise the examination services, starting from the details, to provide candidates with a more convenient and efficient examination experience. We hope that through our efforts, every candidate can feel the joy of growth and learning in the HSK exam.

Last but not least, we sincerely wish that every student who takes the HSK test will achieve excellent results and realise their dream of learning Chinese.

【拉脱维亚大学人文学院讯 通讯员 唐璐瑶 摄影 沈思顺】






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