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“Tang and Song Poetry Appreciation”Lecture Held in Latvia 拉脱维亚“唐诗宋词欣赏”讲座成功举行

“Tang and Song Poetry Appreciation”Lecture Held in Latvia 拉脱维亚“唐诗宋词欣赏”讲座成功举行

Invited by Chinese artist Zhang Hongge, Prof. Pēteris Pildegovičs, the Latvian Director, and Prof. He Dong, the Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, hosted a unique lecture on Tang and Song poetry appreciation at Gallery MuseumLV on June 7, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Attendees included Chinese artist Zhang Hongge, the wife of the Chinese Director Tao Liping, Hu Shirong, a Chinese language teacher at the University of Latvia, and other Latvian enthusiasts of Chinese culture. The youngest attendee was only six years old.

During the lecture, He Dong and Pēteris Pildegovičs recited two classic poems, “Lament (IV)” by Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Zhen and “Ode to the Red Cliff” by Northern Song writer Su Shi, in both Chinese and Latvian. Their recitation immersed the audience in the essence of ancient Chinese literature.

The speakers not only introduced the background stories of the poets but also shared some interesting anecdotes and insights from Pildegovičs’ experiences translating Tang poetry. Additionally, related videos were shown to deepen the audience’s understanding and appreciation of the poetry.

The highlight of the event was an interactive recitation experience and Q&A session between the attendees and the speakers. The audience eagerly asked questions and engaged in lively discussions, creating a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere.

The lecture was a great success, further promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Latvia. We look forward to more similar events in the future, which will add new momentum to the development of cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Latvia.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院讯 通讯员 胡诗蓉 摄影 胡诗蓉】

受中国旅拉艺术家张红戈邀请,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院拉方院长贝德高中方院长何东2024年6月7日下午3点至5点Gallery MuseumLV举办了一场别开生面的唐诗宋词欣赏讲座。参加此次活动的有中国旅拉艺术家张红戈拉脱维亚大学中方院长夫人陶丽萍,拉脱维亚大学汉语教师胡诗蓉以及拉脱维亚中国文化爱好者最小的一位听众只有6岁。






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